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Introducing an advanced AI-powered meeting tool equipped with a range of innovative features for enhanced productivity:

Key Features:

MeetingGPT: At the conclusion of your meetings, engage with Vowel AI by asking any pertinent questions about the meeting, receiving precise answers. For instance, inquire about responsibilities like “Who will follow up with Keith?” or obtain project milestones by asking “When is the project launch date?”

AI-Meeting Summaries 2.0: Immediately after your meeting concludes, receive an AI-generated meeting summary. This comprehensive summary includes an Executive Summary, a categorized breakdown of Topics and Subtopics with a convenient toggle feature, and the ability to swiftly navigate to specific sections of the transcript where each topic or subtopic was discussed.

AI-Action Items: While in your meeting, Vowel AI efficiently identifies and suggests action items using AI technology based on your conversation. You have the option to accept or decline these suggestions. Accepted action items are seamlessly integrated into your meeting notes and the dedicated action items section of your meeting summary.

Catch Me Up: In case you join a meeting five minutes late, there’s no need to sift through the entire transcript or ask your colleagues for updates. You’ll promptly receive an AI-generated catch-up meeting summary that succinctly recaps the key points discussed in your absence.

Zapier Integration: Seamlessly transmit your AI-generated meeting summaries, AI action items, and notes to any platform or tool you regularly use. Whether it’s Notion, Evernote, Asana, Google Docs, Google Sheets, or other applications, our Zapier integration ensures effortless data sharing and collaboration.

Additional Features include:

  • Live Transcript (in multiple languages): Real-time transcription in multiple languages, ensuring everyone can follow along and contribute effectively to the meeting.
  • Cloud Recording: Store meeting recordings in the cloud for easy access and reference.
  • Search Collaborative Notes and Agendas: Effortlessly search through collaborative notes and agendas to quickly find the information you need.
  • Bookmarks: Mark important moments during your meetings for easy reference later.
  • Create and Share Clips: Easily create and share clips of important segments from your meetings to facilitate communication and decision-making.

Experience the future of meetings with our AI-powered tool, designed to streamline your workflow and enhance your meeting productivity.