KW Checker 1.20

Keyword Everywhere Volume Checker
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There are many tools for checking keyword volume and almost all have different volume, but the best tool that gives an accurate or almost reliable volume estimate is which uses google orignal data to show results.

Keyword Everywhere is basically a paid tool which you have to buy to view the volume but on you can check the official and same to same volume for free. There is no limit to check volume and you can view the volume of unlimited keywords.

Through this tool, you put any keyword in the search box and click on check volume by selecting the country or keeping it on global, then you get its volume. The tool is designed in such a way that you can check enough keyword volume at a time without wasting time and refreshing the page.

In this tool, three colors are used in the volume result, if the volume of the keyword you provided is good then Green color will show, if the volume of the keyword is average then its color will be Yellow and if the volume is low No color but Dull Black color will show. In this way, you can estimate the importance of the keyword by looking at the volume of the keyword and also by looking at the color.

 Whats New: 
  • Added a feature to identifies repeated keyword searches by visitors, it will stop data loss for same inquiry by showing previous data.
  • Added a new feature to show keyword searched history to every registered user.