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Zigpoll offers you the closest experience to delving into your customers’ thoughts.

This high-speed, multilingual, and fully adaptable survey application empowers you to gain insights from your customers precisely when it’s most crucial. Moreover, with specialized AI analytics tools, ZigPoll assists you in comprehending the collected data thoroughly. In fact, ZigPoll simplifies the data breakdown, ensuring clarity.

  • Unleash your potential with limitless surveys, easily distributing them to your customers on your website or through email and SMS, all without the need for coding expertise. A simple point-and-click interface is all that’s required.
  • With seamless integrations for platforms like Shopify, WordPress, or your chosen marketing stack, Zigpoll is your ally in optimizing marketing expenditures and boosting conversion rates.
  • Capture invaluable feedback from your customers at pivotal moments, harnessing this data to nurture your business’s growth.
  • Transform survey data into actionable insights through a variety of charts and reporting dashboards. Instantly access zero-party response data and NPS scores.
  • Benefit from a custom GPT-4 model, trained on your response data, providing automated insights and trend detection to ensure you stay informed.

Engage in direct, in-depth analysis by posing specific questions to an AI model that is fine-tuned to your business and response data. Utilize the AI chat interface for a deeper understanding of your customer insights.